To our wonderful readers,


The time has come for me to introduce myself, and say goodbye. My name is Elsie Munsterteiger, and I’m the editor-in-chief of the Runaway Bulldog. It’s been a wild and crazy ride, and now it’s time to pass the torch and move on.


I took the reins in March of 2021, and I initially started writing for RBD at the beginning of my freshman year, September 2019. I was excited to make a difference in the community, but I found that figuring out how to maintain neutrality, how to keep things local and interesting, and how to convey the voice of the Runaway Bulldog was a difficult task. I’ll be totally honest: it was tough, especially at the beginning. But over the course of the last three years, this form of journalism has evolved into something that comes naturally. Cliche, I know.


After working with Emma, the original founder, and Jessie, the last editor-in-chief, I knew I had a big legacy to uphold. Emma founded RBD to fill a void in local news, and I had my fair share of stories to cover. From many versions of hybrid schedules, varying COVID regulations, and the Community Senate to school safety, student mental health, and endless hours of school board meetings, I hope I’ve left you all feeling informed about the happenings of the community. Who would’ve thought that our sleepy little town could have so much drama??


It was certainly a challenge to figure out how to present these stories, but I did end up writing some issues that I’m quite proud of. I am unbelievably grateful for the opportunity to maintain the Bulldog’s place in the community.


Thank you all for your continued support of this paper. Thank you to all the readers who have been here since the beginning, all the new readers, and everyone in between. The news is a powerful tool in today’s world. Thank you for giving me the space to report on important issues in what I hope has been an entertaining manner; and for giving me the opportunity to grow as a writer and a leader.


To this day, it still brings a smile to my face and a swell of pride to my heart whenever I hear someone mention the Runaway Bulldog name. Thank you for letting me make a difference in our community.


And of course, thank you to the person I’m now passing the reins to, and the person who passed them down to me. The future of RBD is in your hands now.


Elsie Munsterteiger


BHS 2023

So Long, Farewell — 4/18/22