The Story

New semester, new schedule. 

Give us the rundown.

On last Tuesday’s advisory day, Mr. Jozokos debuted a brand new schedule for the high school via a video explanation. We’re not going to attempt to explain it here because to be honest, we don’t quite understand it yet. We’re writers, not geniuses. The administration’s reasoning for its introduction was to allow students to get more time in person with teachers and to reduce stress. We’ll see about that. 


Surprise- people have a lot to say. On our instagram, @runawaybulldog, we asked our followers how they felt about the new schedule, and an overwhelming 93% of responses said they, at the very least, did not prefer the change to the old ways. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

What else?

We asked students, both in person and through our instagram, to articulate the reasons why they didn’t like the schedule. And boy, did we get some answers. The majority of people we talked to said that the change was simply too confusing, or that they felt like guinea pigs for the school board. Along this line, many students said that after this tumultuous year, they just want some semblance of normalcy, and more modifications did not accomplish that. 


Along with the general it’s-too-confusing stuff, some students expressed sympathy for their parents, as many drive their kids to school. The new schedule could disrupt that completely, with in-person classes in the afternoon. Parents and students, in agreement about an issue?! We never thought we’d see the day. As well as this, there was concern for the fact that in-person classes for the high school will begin at 8:40. Lurgio classes begin at 8:50. You do the math. 

What’s the wild card?

But wait, there’s more! When the new schedule was announced, it was accompanied by a survey that asked if this change would increase or reduce the amount of stress students had. The results of this polling have not yet been made public, and they certainly could shed light on how students really feel. We did reach out to Mr. Jozokos, but he has yet to get back to us. We understand. He’s a busy man. 

The Runaway

The new schedule will be initiated on Thursday, February 18th. Also, we really want to see those survey results. 

What to Say…


When you can’t be in person on the court… 

We’ll fill you in. Last Sunday, the girls basketball team lost a heartbreaking match against their biggest rival, Bishop Guertin, with the score 64-69. Fortunately, last Tuesday, they won handily against Concord, 59-42, and then again on Friday, winning their game 62-45. Key players include seniors Isabella King, Christina Braga, and Marina Braga, who also celebrated their senior night last Tuesday. The boys basketball team also played on Friday, and claimed a victory against Concord, 54-38. 


When you can’t be in person on the ice… 

See above. The boy’s hockey team is off to a strong start with two wins against Windham and one against Concord. In their game on Saturday, Shea Guimont and Matthew Desmond’s combined efforts in goal paid off with a shutout, the final score being 6-0. Quinlan Kerr also gave major contributions with 2 goals and 2 assists. Sunday’s game versus Concord was much closer, but they squeaked out the win with a final score of 2-1. Their next game is versus Trinity this Wednesday at 4pm. 


When you can’t be in person AT ALL… 

Sorry to disappoint, but it’s not looking like we’ll be back to normal any time soon. Mr. Fournier has said that while he hopes we’ll be able to be fully back in person by the end of the year, he doesn’t think that’s going to happen. Despite the vaccines rolling out, experts are warning of another possible surge in February and Fournier recognizes that the vaccines won’t necessarily provide immediate relief. His ultimate goal is to get us back with more in-person time, but probably not fully in person. Maybe next year.

Things To Know


Be on your best behavior… 

Virtual parent-teacher conferences will be held on the 26th and 28th. You can’t hide from those missing assignments any longer. 


Second Time’s The Charm — 1/25/21